Jul 11, 2006

"Absolutely non- earth shattering, makes no difference in anyone's life" important announcement!

After a bit of indecision -- how can I leave my first love?-- I have decided to move my blog to Typepad. I really love my little blogspot blog (if it's possible to love something that only exists in cyperspace) and I have had a wonderful time learning how to do different things with my little piece of cyber real estate. But, sometimes blogger has let me down, especially in the picture uploading area. So, without futher ado, I introduce my Typepad blog: C by the Sea! Pretty much everything is the same -- you can leave comments, see my pictures and all that jazz. Let me know what you think!

I'm going to leave this blog up for a while, just in case things don't work out with me and my new friend...


I just came in for a bit of lunch after having been working in the yard this morning. As I was "communing with nature", I began pondering a couple of questions.

1. How come David gets to do the tough, manly job of riding around on the sit down mower once a week for an hour and I have to do the girly, wimpy things -- like weeding and pruning, etc. our one acre yard's numerous flower beds?

2. Which one will take over the world first? Wisteria, inkberry or mosquitoes?

Perhaps you would like to ponder along with me? Hmmmm?

Jul 10, 2006


Isn't it amazing when the young people actually choose to spend time with us old fogies? Sean and Lisha invited us over for dinner and this was the very tasty spread we enjoyed. Fresh sweet corn, string beans, tomatoes with fresh mozzarella, and the piece de resistance -- lobster. Living the sweet life, baby!

Jul 8, 2006


I'm pretty darn cute!

Hampton Home Made

As I mentioned in Lisha's birthday post, she has opened a stand at
the Westhampton Beach Farmers' Market. This was her third week of operation, but the first chance I had to get over there. Sherry, the family's professional gardener, was there also to lend her advice and plant expertise. Sean, of course, was there to do the heavy lifting -- there's an amazing amount of moving of things from house to van to market and back again! If you have some free time some Saturday morning from 9AM - 1PM, come on down -- every Saturday from now to November!

Jul 6, 2006

And a fun time was had by all!

While Amy and the kids were still in town -- and after the excitement of the wedding -- we were able to spend a couple of afternoons at Tom and Sherry's. They have a beautiful yard with a pool and it is a popular gathering place during the summer months. For those of you who are saying, "Hey, wait a minute! Is this all the pictures? I demand more!" just hop on over to Constance's Gallery and see everything I couldn't fit here.
***All pictures were taken by our talented daughter, Amy -- of planetmancuso fame.

Jul 5, 2006

A few shots of the 4th...

We had a delightful spur of the moment cookout at Tom and Sherry's. Too lazy to take many pictures
:( but here are a few.

Caleb enjoying some time in his "office".

Operating on the "never too many kisses" theory.

Caleb always likes hangin' out with his family.

Guess Caleb was tired of having his picture taken.

Sam feels Caleb's pain.

Phoebe's new do -- only possible if you stay in the pool for hours!

Jenn gets artistic with the camera.

Talking about golf, no doubt!

David enjoying his dinner in the land of Lilliput.

Lisha turns 30!

Didn't want to let any more time go by without belatedly wishing our wonderful daughter-in-law Lisha a happy birthday! Lisha turned 30 on June 25th -- a day she spent doing the makeup for Tia and others in the wedding party. She was later surprised with a cake and rousing rendition of "Happy Birthday" at the wedding reception. As anyone who knows Lisha will attest, she is one busy and exceptional woman. 6 months pregnant, her latest venture is selling oils, herbs and potted plants, etc. at the local farmers' market. This is in addition to her massage therapy practice, catering, face painting at parades and parties, her duties with the National Guard and a dozen other things I can't even begin to keep up with! She always has a good time and keeps the rest of us on our toes. We love you, Lisha!

Jul 4, 2006

Happy Fourth!

Tommy, Andrew, Sean and Amy
at Gobby and PopPop's
July 4th picnic, 1976

"The four cornerstones of character on which the structure of this nation was built are: Initiative, Imagination, Individuality and Independence".
~Eddie Rickenbacker

"The independence of the United States is not only more precious to ourselves but to the world than any single possession".
~Henry C. Lodge

Jul 3, 2006

An interesting computer tip...

Those of us "older" computer users are often times stumped by various things that happen with our computers and at the same time are amazed by how easily the youngest generation has mastered the many complexities of the computer/internet world. Leah is my go-to person alot of times when I am trying to figure something new out. During her recent visit with us, I was able to discover a very important aspect of how to achieve computer success by observing Leah at work on my computer. Apparently, it's all about the "stance"...

Jul 1, 2006


Artist at work

The first and the latest...

Leah (11 1/2 years old) and Caleb (1/2 year old)

Jun 29, 2006

Taking a moment to brag...

This past week was the first time since Caleb was born in December that all our grandchildren have been together. So, in honor of this auspicious occasion and since it will probably be awhile before they are together again, we decided to get some pictures. I'm sure you will agree that the results are stellar...