Feb 23, 2006

A bright spot...

...on a dreary day.

"Flowers are happy things".
~P. G. Wodehouse

Rain and gray skies, no matter.
There are always flowers.

Feb 22, 2006

Pride and joy...

"The first grandchild is the beginning of a new phase in our live, and every grandchild that comes after will reaffirm the wonder of it".
~Ruth Goode

Leah (11), Jack (9), Will(almost 2), and Caleb (10 weeks)

Feb 20, 2006

Who needs Dancing with the Stars?

"Think of the magic of that foot, comparatively small, upon which your whole weight rests.

It's a miracle, and the dance is a celebration of that miracle".
~Martha Graham

Feb 19, 2006


"The fog comes on little cat feet.
It sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches
and then moves on".
~ Carl Sandburg
A few mornings ago. Peaceful.

Feb 18, 2006

Look out, girls!

9 weeks old.
Chick magnet.

Feb 16, 2006

Blingo ..YOU might win!

Here's a bit of fun I came across. It's a search engine -- like Goggle or Yahoo -- and if you use it you have a chance to win prizes. I put a link here so you can check it out. It's easy to sign up and you can also download their toolbar if you like. Just thought you might like to give it a try!

Feb 13, 2006

To blog a blizzard or not to blog a blizzard...

that is the question!

Here's the deal.

We got a ton of snow, probably 18 - 20 inches!* It started to snow on Saturday late afternoon and continued without let up until about 7 PM Sunday night. The wind was blowing like crazy and the snow was drifting into great piles. In some places the wind blew the snow up so much that there was bare grass. David went out and it was up to his knees. Some of the drifts I wouldn't even try to walk through because I know I would be lost forever! (I went out during the storm and made a video, but I am totally unable to figure out how to put it on the blog for you all to see). Today the sun is out and you could get snowblind! I thought of taking some photos to post, but to tell you the truth, I don't think you would be very impressed. It's hard to tell how deep it is in a picture, the bare grass spots are melted, the driveway has been plowed -- a bargain at $40 -- the streets are already melting and this particular snow (at least in our neck of the woods!) didn't accumulate on the trees or cars. I'm heading out later and if I see anything that would make a good picture, I'll post it here so you all can see. Suffice it to say that it was a really good blizzard -- just not very photogenic!!

*Edited: I just listened to the local evening news and it seems they think we got 12 inches, with some local areas getting more. I think we got more since it was up to David's knees. In our yard we have spots that are 1 inch and other spots where there is over 2 feet. Just trying to keep things accurate! ;)

The paradox of time

"How simple it is to see that all the worry in the world cannot control the future.
How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now.
And that there will never be a time when it is not now."
Gerald Jampolsky

It has been 53 years since this picture of my mother with my brothers and me was taken and 8 years ago today since my mother passed away. It is so hard to believe that all that time as gone by. My own daughter is now the very same age my mother was in this picture. Too quickly it has flown by, but in my heart it feels as if time has stood still. That is the paradox -- the speed of life passing by and at the same time, the way our memories can make us feel as if no time has passed at all. Perhaps this is how our loved ones remain with us always -- in our ability to bring time back in our thoughts and memories. To see the future in the past and to understand the future through our memories of the past. A paradox, but a blessed one.

Feb 3, 2006


The swans were close to the water's edge, swimming proudly around with their heads held high. A great shot, I thought, so I grabbed my camera, put on my raincoat and shoes and headed out the door. But, by the time I walked across the yard the swans had decided it was time to eat. They swam out to the dock and stuck their heads in the water to eat from the bottom. A lost photo opportunity I figured as I took a few shots anyway. When I came back in and put the pictures on the computer I was struck by how in tune with each other the swans were. Every movement by one was echoed by the other. Synchronized.

More absolute cuteness...

School pictures 2006.
Photo credits: Amy at planetmancuso

Snug as a bug...

Travel, Caleb style.