Jun 29, 2006

Taking a moment to brag...

This past week was the first time since Caleb was born in December that all our grandchildren have been together. So, in honor of this auspicious occasion and since it will probably be awhile before they are together again, we decided to get some pictures. I'm sure you will agree that the results are stellar...

Jun 27, 2006

The "non-date" follow up...

Neither rain, nor thunder, nor lightning, nor flooding, nor nervous tummies could keep any of us from the much anticipated and long awaited wedding of Tia and Ryan. The day came off without a hitch -- except for the previously mentioned flooding stuff, oh, and the hitching up of Ryan and Tia. Pictures have been posted on several family blogs. Check them out if you haven't already. Or visit Constance's Gallery to see the few shots I was able to get... ;)

Jun 18, 2006

A-partying we go!

This afternoon we went to David's cousin Wayne Culver's son Eric's bar mitzvah. David and I drove to the party -- which was about an hour away -- with Tom, Sherry, Sean and Lisha. (Heath and Jenn decided to stay home for Heath's first Fathers Day!) There was lots of food, dancing and fun with family and friends.

Sean, Lisha, Connie, and David

Donna, Raymond, Connie, David, Sherry and Tom

As we were all in a party mood, the fun continued for the ride home...

Jun 14, 2006

"Now is come the month of roses!" - Ruben Dario

"One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today". ~Dale Carnegie

With no help from me, these beauties are growing in my yard. The yellow rose is a "Graham Thomas" rose (family names on my side -- a wonderful coincidence!) given to me for my birthday a couple of years ago by my pic, Sherry. The pink rose is a "Nicole" rose purchased by me from QVC -- yes, QVC!

Jun 13, 2006

Baby on the move

Just 6 months old tomorrow and Caleb is starting to crawl. Looks like he's taking after Jack who did the crawling thing at 6 months also!

Jun 10, 2006

3 different times

In keeping with the National Scribe's "old pictures" post, I thought it would be fun to post some "older" pictures. Maybe you have some pictures that came from a different time also. Let us know and tell us where we can see them. Your blog, maybe...?
(click on the pictures for a larger image)

My father's second grade class. 1924. He was only 6 years old.
He's the boy with the big black bow tie in the second row, second from the left.

David and Tom on the duck farm -- our present home, minus the farm and the duck part! -- 1952.

Gobby's couch (which I'm sure most of us remember!) and (left to right) Jevan, Sean, Timmy, Tommy, and Amy. 1973.

*** Edited to add: This is one of the pictures of David that I think shows a resemblance to Matt, which is weird, because I think Matt looks like Carolyn. Oh, well. Just one opinion. What do you think?

Jun 9, 2006

Afternoon musings...

This afternoon I set a new record. I filled the van and it cost $50! Holy guacamole, good grief and whoa! As I was pulling away from the pump, the guy in front of me was pulling out also. He was in a big pickup truck and I stopped to let him go. As I was waiting I glanced over to his pump. He paid $73!!!
Guess it's all relative, huh?

Jun 8, 2006

Because it's a gray, cloudy day and only about 65 degrees and this bowl of fruit looked especially colorful. And, because I know that Heath appreciates my "artistic" pictures...

Babysitting Caleb

Heath and Jenn wanted to go to the movies, so I got to stay with Caleb. He was as good as can be and enjoyed playing in his "office" (his exersaucer) and watching Baby Einstein. It's pretty impossible to get him to smile when I am taking the pictures by myself, because of course all he can see is the camera pointing at him. But, I thought you might like to see a couple of the pictures anyway. Because he's pretty doggone cute -- smile or not!

David stopped by for a little visit and was very happy to watch some Baby Einstein with Caleb!

Jun 5, 2006

If you have 5 minutes...

Check this kid out. Not too shabby, huh?