Oct 21, 2005

View from the sidelines

As most of you know, Sean enjoys competing in races -- 5ks, marathons, triathalons, dualathons, he tries them all! Despite his pleadings for me to join him in a race sometime (yeah, right), I have so far remembered my limits and have chosen to participate in my own special way as a fan/photographer. His most recent race was this past weekend at Heckscher State Park. The Carl Hart Dualathon consisted of a 2 mile run, a 10 mile bike, and another 2 mile run to finish. (Now do you see why I cleverly decided to be the photographer?) The weather was beautiful (after our previous 9 days of heavy rain), but extremely windy! Sean had a great race and finished 1st (!) in his age group (30-34). We had a good time -- lots of fresh air, sunshine, competition, a victory, some raisin bagels and time spent with Sean. What more could you ask for?

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