Oct 20, 2005

Baby Steps

As I continue to try keeping up with the 21st century, I have now decided to attempt a blog. I have some great role models that have given me inspiration and encouragement, so here goes!
Who would have imagined more than half a century ago that this little baby would some day be able to do all this? It's equally impossible to imagine what the world will be like when my grandchildren achieve my current ripe old age -- or even my children!
Well, all I can do is hold on and see what I can do. Hopefully the pictures I post and the comments I make will at least serve as a record of an ordinary woman trying to live a good life. And succeeding pretty well, too -- if I do say so myself!


thedollymama said...

Great job! You will do a fabulous job with your blog, after all, I must have gotten it from somewhere, no?

Anonymous said...

Is that the GERBER babay????

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see more!!! Love you Aunt Connie!!

Anonymous said...

Connie, You haven't changed a bit. adodrable picture! Cool blog. Is there nothing you can't do. Can't wait to see more.
Love ya
voila K

Anonymous said...

You go, Aunt Connie! I wish I had the imagination to do this too!

Connie said...

It's really easy to do actually. Try clicking on the link "get your own blog" and see. They guide you through. Don't forget to check out Amy's blog www.planetmancuso.blogspot.com. It's great!
Aunt Connie

Anonymous said...

Although I know, as you said, you lead a good life, I want you to know that you are no ordinary woman. In fact, you are very special. I admit you don't hear that from me enough, but I mean it from the bottom of my heart. I look up to you. I recognize and appreciate your strengths (which are many, and I feel your pain. I know that your heart is filled with love. I in turn am a very lucky man to have been able to call you my wife for 38 years.

Anonymous said...

Connie...you are awesome...always have been and always will be! Thanks for the blogging experience... a few frontier for us...may we all follow you into blogland!! :o) Thank you for being such a special friend for all these years! Love ya!!!