Jun 9, 2006

Afternoon musings...

This afternoon I set a new record. I filled the van and it cost $50! Holy guacamole, good grief and whoa! As I was pulling away from the pump, the guy in front of me was pulling out also. He was in a big pickup truck and I stopped to let him go. As I was waiting I glanced over to his pump. He paid $73!!!
Guess it's all relative, huh?


the editor said...

It costs Tom $90 to fill his monster truck!

Connie said...

Ouch! That is terrible.

The National Scribe said...

maybe we should get some bikes.

Connie said...

Bikes would be okay if we didn't live so far from the grocery store. Not that it couldn't be done, mind you!

The National Scribe said...

it would be tough to get the bags home...

Connie said...

Have to do like they do in Europe and go shopping every day just for what you need that day. Guess going to BJ's would be out.