May 16, 2006

In times such as beginnings of youth...

A pretty perfect sonogram, huh?
Sean and Lisha's baby at 20 weeks weighs 13 ozs.

Oh yeah, the gender...

Can you guess?

Correct answers win a chance to change a diaper!

*check back at 9PM


thedollymama said...

well, i am no expert, but that looks like yet another boy for the Terry family....

If I am wrong, i apologize in advance to my little niece.

Anonymous said...

i see nothing, therefore i am going with girl.

apologies to any nephew harmed in this opinion

thedollymama said...

it's 9:01, people....

The National Scribe said...


Anonymous said...

nice lookin kid, the title really says it all doesnt it.

thedollymama said...

Do I know my boy parts or what??

Anonymous said...

I'm always amazed...looks like a baby to me!