Mar 29, 2006

This baby is stylin'..

"Fashions fade, style is eternal".
~Yves Saint Laurent


Anonymous said...

Love the hat! what a cutie!

thedollymama said...

Mon Dieu! I had no idea this was a French royal!

So, so cute!

Anonymous said...

i never thought i could love the boy more than when i saw him in the dolphins shirt but this picture is by far my favorite.

french royalty? maybe...he does carry the look well

Anonymous said...

Ummm, about the french comment? Please lets not ever say that again...only things the french are good for is their toast and their fries!

Anonymous said...

Well, say what you will, but if it weren't for the French, you'd be calling your "fries" "chips" and paying really high taxes on your tea!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have to say, Heath, Tom totally agrees with you regarding the French!