...wedding shower, that is! We had a wonderful afternoon with family and friends as we all got together to celebrate Tia's upcoming nuptials to Ryan (3 months and counting!) Tia and Ryan received many great gifts, the food, as always, was delicious and everyone shared lots of laughter and conversation.
Tia with her maid of honor, Rachel, and her future sister in law, Jen.
Even the littlest ladies, Eliza and Rachael, had a grand time!
In our neck of the woods each town is careful to schedule their St. Patrick's Day parade -- and day long celebration! -- on different days so as not to take away from each town's fun. This means that Sean and Lisha attend no less than 3 parades over the week. And, Lisha goes into Manhattan for the BIG parade, so she sees 4! She is very creative -- she takes her face painting kit with her and has a great time painting faces for all the parade goers. Looks like someone sure knows how to have fun, huh?
Yesterday we celebrated the Willis' second birthday and did he have fun! Candles in the pancakes at breakfast --with a birthday seranade, a rousing go at his new basketball hoop (thanks, Jack!), fun at the water/sand table and yummy lasagna (thanks, Mommy!) and birthday cake -- with more singing -- for dinner. Looks like a great start to a wonderful little boy's 3rd year.
We love you so much, Will! Happy Birthday!
BTW: If you click on a picture, you can see a larger image. Try it!
Another enjoyable get-together with my peeps. Lunch at Oceana (no, the family does NOT own stock in Oceana) with Christy, Joyce and Sherry. We ordered bread pudding for dessert for missing peep Ginny who is in sunny Florida and, try though she might, was not able to get here in time for lunch ;) Sort of our own version of "this Bud's for you!" (oh and Sherry didn't eat any dessert -- she had tea. She's good, the rest of us were bad!)
And just to play fair I've included this stellar shot of me that I took.
(note to self: next time hold the camera up high and look up into it! After 50 never look down into a camera...)
For all you folks out there that need a chuckle -- or perhaps a puzzled look on your face -- Sean has a blog! Be sure to drop over for a look-see. And remember, it's not ALL genetics...
**Edited to add: Be sure to check out the comments that have been left. They are quite ... well, just check them out! ;)