Feb 22, 2006

Pride and joy...

"The first grandchild is the beginning of a new phase in our live, and every grandchild that comes after will reaffirm the wonder of it".
~Ruth Goode

Leah (11), Jack (9), Will(almost 2), and Caleb (10 weeks)


thedollymama said...

You are quite the internet-savvy grandma, Quotewoman!

Anonymous said...

very cool picture cube and some exceedingly cute kids to go with it!!

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! You come up with some creative stuff! You know, you should do this stuff professionally! I will be your agent!

Anonymous said...

where did you find that nifty trick? hiding technology under your sleeve. I can't wait to see what you pull out next.

Connie said...

You could do it easy. Just go to picturetrail.com and on the upper right side of the page they tell all about them. They have a couple of styles to choose from. Upload your pictures, they make the cube, you copy the code into your post and there you go! Call me if you get stuck. :)
