Feb 16, 2006

Blingo ..YOU might win!

Here's a bit of fun I came across. It's a search engine -- like Goggle or Yahoo -- and if you use it you have a chance to win prizes. I put a link here so you can check it out. It's easy to sign up and you can also download their toolbar if you like. Just thought you might like to give it a try!


Anonymous said...

i haven't gone there yet but i still have the e-mail you sent me on it. i'll try to find a minute between diapers, burps, and feedings.

Connie said...

Oh, sure! Using the old "I have a baby" excuse! ;)


Anonymous said...

who said anything about a baby? you don't think i need a good burp every now and again?

Connie said...

Oh, sorry. Guess it was the diaper thing that threw me! ;)

Anonymous said...

are you trying to say it is not normal for me to still be in diapers? Don't judge me.

Connie said...

ooops! My bad! ;)
