In my opinion, St. Charles Hospital is waaaay too stingy with their visiting hours! 2 - 4 PM for the grandparents -- when the babies are in the mom's room and you can hold them and take pictures, etc.-- and 7 - 8 PM when the babies are behind the glass and No PHOTOS ALLOWED! Nevertheless, intrepid granny that I am, I was able to snap 85 pictures of our newest little dumpling. Here are a few. Never could get any with his eyes open -- maybe today! Any opinions on who the baby looks like??
Hmmm, can't really tell who he looks like... but I think I see jenn. Those italians have a way of taking over the gene pool from us wussy anglos! He is definitely a goodlooking baby! congrats!
He is sooooo cute....gee...who does he look like???? I know CALEB!!! I think he is all the good features of all his awesome family!!!! Connie, don't be sorry for are allowed!!!
Hmmm, can't really tell who he looks like... but I think I see jenn. Those italians have a way of taking over the gene pool from us wussy anglos! He is definitely a goodlooking baby! congrats!
Fourth picture down, he looks like Poppy.
Congrats, what a perfect, beautiful boy! Glad to know everyone is doing well. Can't wait to see more pictures.
I gotta say, I think he looks like Sean!
He is sooooo cute....gee...who does he look like???? I know CALEB!!! I think he is all the good features of all his awesome family!!!! Connie, don't be sorry for are allowed!!!
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